ADRIAN GRENIER YOU ARE SEX. I want to be in your me babe.
Friday, July 31, 2009
Enlighten Your Ears...Miguel Jontel
I'm sorry but this dude looks gay. Fortunately, his songs are not. Either way, I want you to experience the new Mexican Ne-Yo for yourself. Explore down below. I promise you will not be dissapointed.
Heres the mixtape entitled 'Mischeif'...
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Some people should just never talk.
Oh gosh. Amber Rose, it's bad enough that you look like a bleached alien. But you should never talk. I mean you're a cute girl and you're like the most on point person I've ever seen. But honestly, you sound awful. I mean I thought she would sound sophisticated and really haute, but no...this girl sounds like the respective video whore she is. SMH. You know the old saying "She's a butterface"...I'd like to think of her as a buttervoice (go figure).
Kanye, keep your bitch quiet, for her own good.
Kanye, keep your bitch quiet, for her own good.
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
For the Record...Ciara is a Man
I'm just saying. Anytime that you have to shoot down rumors that you are a man, about 78% of the time you are in fact a man. That's all...maybe she really is "Like a boy". Hmmm, you decide.
Also...sweetie, if you're going to be a guy, don't go wearing the short wig. It makes you totally unbelievable.
I hate Blackberrys
Listen. I understand that blackberries are like the phone of future. I understand that if you whip out your Curve or Toure in the middle of the hood, everyone will think you're the shit. I understand that one would be lost without BBM. I understand that the term 'Crackberry' is completely justifyable. Yet, what I don't understand is why the hell Blackberry's can mess up your life with the press of one button. If you're like me and you justify this term 'Crackberry' because your life is your phone, then continue reading. I can't live without my device. Seriously, I flipped a shit when T-Mobile tried to get fuky and turn off my phone. I'm so down for this phone, if it fell into the Subway, I would jump and get it. Catch my drift yet? Yet, as I stated before, I do not understand how a Blackberry can be so capable of ruining your life. I know you're wondering by now..."Where art thou going with this?" WELL, last night, I put my phone under my pillow because I was in the midst of texting one of my summer hoes. (P.S. please do not text me at night because I will fall asleep on you and then wake up randomly at 3:30 at text you back to make it look like i was being conversational houdini. I know that is the douche thing to do, but it's not my fault, it's a really bad habit.) Either way, I dozed off and in my sleep my blackberry called a random guy. Now I know you're now wondering "UMM WHATS THE BIG DEAL". NO! This IS A BIG DEAL PEOPLE. This 'random guy' is the best friend of one of the sexiest people who is being a social houdini at the present moment. I mean when I say this guy is sexy, I mean GODDAMN I would do some thangs. Either way, it called this person & I'm ever so embarrased. I'm so embarrased, I scolded my blackberry on the 2 train and cursed it. Oh well, that's what it deserves. We never mess up Mica's life...ever.
=D/=[ (for my social life)
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Back On Le Grizzy
Sheeee'ssss baccckkkk. Yep...I'm back. I got the new MacBook Pro, holler at your girl. But yes, I'm back. So like f.y.i. I started Columbia or just a sad excuse for a summer program. It's hard classes, hard socialization, and hard times for my wallet. But I'm surviving. Hopefully I can blog from class because American Philosophy is far from exciting. Lately, everything has been going amazing in my life, fyl if your life sucks! But yes! I'm back on the scene and now back on my blog.
Stay tuned + fasten those seat belts.
<3 Always...MICAA!
Stay tuned + fasten those seat belts.
<3 Always...MICAA!
Monday, July 20, 2009
We Can Do Better: 7 Year Old Boy Steal Granny's Car
And he just had to be african-american. WTF. This is truly some crazy shit. Lmfao
Sunday, July 19, 2009
I hate this part right here.
FUCK MAC, APPLE INC, OR WHATEVER UR CALLED. So guys, I won't be on for a week because my computer suffered a major heart attack and is currently not working. Actually it will never be working. I took it to the Apple store, and I hoped to have had it fixed so I could update you on the world, but it wasn't happening. My Apple Genius Juan-Carlos (biggups to Mexico), was not able to fix my baby. Therefore due to my lovely warrantay, Apple offered to replace my computer with a brand new MacBook Pro, because they do not make the MacBook (2008 edition) anymore. Holler. So I should be on in a couple of weeks. For new music, news, and ways to improve life...look the 'Check' section. They should keep you company while I'm gone.
Tear, tear.
<3 Always,
P.S. I'm writing this on a mac computer now.
Tear, tear.
<3 Always,
P.S. I'm writing this on a mac computer now.
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Why I Love Hip-Hop: The Great Hangover Tour
I promised that I would speak on the Great Hangover Tour that featured PA artist and social intellect/my favorite white boy Asher Roth and the Cudi. I have to say that they did a good ass job and I definitely got my 30$ worth. The sold-out event was held at the Nokia Theatre right in the heart of Times Square. Lucky me, I got to stand on the second teir smack dab in the middle, allowing me to gaze into Cudi's eyes all night long. Besides, I wouldn't want to be on the bottom with all the drunk and high people. Either way, here it goes.
7ish p.m.: My friend and I arrived at the theatre. Let me tell you, the line was wrapped around all type of streets in mid-town. There was a loud group of obnoxious teens who thought Jim Jones was going to be there. Hmm, go figure. Either way, after about 15-20 minutes we finally got inside.
7:45-8: The place was honestly perfect for a concert. There were three levels: one was for standing, the second was for standing (but sucked unless you were'nt in the front like me!), and the third was for lazy ass people who wanted to sit. The DJ came on and did his thing, ya know...getting everyone hyped, playing all types of goodness, and then Cipha Sounds and his bff who are 'fucking famous' came on stage to introduce the opening act 88 keys.
Mica DOES NOT LIKE 88 KEYS! NIGGA YOU SUCK. Honestly, he was awful. Not only can he not dress, but his beats are awful, and all he talks about is sex. Like honestly he is a nobody. What made it worst is that not only did anybody not move to his songs, but he tried to call out people who he produced for and no one knew them. SMH. That's embarrasing. But he brought out Colin Munroe and that was cool even though the first thing you want to do with Munroe is feed his skinny ass. Either way, 88 keys was just awful. If he is Kanye's best friend, Kanye needs to stop being shady and let this nigga know that rapping is not his calling. It's like if you're wearing an ugly shirt and your friend says that it's cute and then you go out into public and people laugh at you.
9ish: Cipha sounds brings out Asher Roth! Asher Roth did his thing! But that nigga was fucked up. He came out on child's toy escalade which is pretty damn cool, had a giant blunt in which he called cannon, but in the end did the damn thing. He performed songs like I Love College, Sour Patch Kids, As I Em, and Be By Myself. There were some other ones but I don't remember. However, it was soooo funny when he performed Be By Myself because he straight played this girl on stage. In the end, Jim Jones came out for I Love College and it just made the room feel so much better. We were all in love with each other during that song. Roth is my new favorite white boy.
10ish: CUDI SHUT IT DOWN! First off, anyone thinking of going to this concert should not have Epilepsy. I'm so dead ass when I say this because the lights were CRAZY! I mean he had lights on the stage that went with his songs and then behind his there was this big screen that showed pieces of art and random video footage, and video of outer space (peep the the video I posted for a look into what he did). It worked though. He performed a lot off of 'A Kid Named Cudi', a song featured on his mixtape 'Dat Kid from Cleveland', and 2 new songs off of his new album 'Man on the Moon: The End of Day'. I posted Mr. Solo Dolo below so you should peep that. But his performance was amazing. I'm so proud my little Cudi grew up and had special effects! Every other concert was simple but aw shit he finally got to do what he wanted to do.
Snaps for Roth. Snaps for Cudi.
Jizz: Kid Cudi LIVE!
JIZZZ!! BE JEALOUS. Just got back from the Nokia theatre and I had the most awesome time at this concert. It is now 2:41 EST so I'm going to give you a sneak preview of the concert and tomorrow will have the full run down (with pictures) because I'm super exhausted! BTW, it was truly an amazing event. HATE ON IT!
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Genius: IMs Website
I really hope I'm not the only thinking about this but the only who wants to start this. We are all familiar with,, and right? Well, I think it would be GENIUS if they had a Imsfromyesterday or something regarding AIM. I have countless funny conversations on iChat, and after a while putting them in the 'Quotes' section of your facebook profile starts to mean nothing. I strongly suggest some no life out there needs to start a website where I can share funny AIM convos. && I know there's that whole thing about screen names and it being shared but I'm pretty sure there can be some sort of way to make it an Alias.
I don't have to tell me that I'm a genius. I'm already aware. With that being said, I better go copyright this shit so some shady loser doesn't steal my idea.
SMH: Pastor Prays for Obama to Die
What the eff. I mean we talk about 'Yes We DId', 'Hope is Alive', and the entire idea that America is on the road to a long over due change. But I don't find this act as anything close to keeping the dream alive. I am aware that nothing comes overnight, especially change to a country with millions of people but I did have hope that we could continue on the road to keeping the buzzwords of January-Hope & Change-alive. As I watched a nation of millions fall in love with each other, bringing the 1967 summer of love to the cold winter front January 2009, I was convinced we were on that road. As I experienced the somewhat change in the scent of Washington D.C., I was convinced we were on that road. But the excess of ignorance found in this video says that we've hit a pothole on this road to change. A pothole that might set us forth on the road back to the past presidency of President Bush and others alike. I do not want to bore you with my monologue on the ethics of American society, but I do want to conclude with the simple fact that this man, attempted to involve God. I'm actually outraged. We can do so much better as a people.
s. m. h.
Usher X Pharrell/ Certified

Aw shit, Usher must be feeling fresh after his separation/divorce from Tameka. He's back into action with this new single which has the typical yet smooth Star Trak beat. Kudos to Pharrell, Usher's trying to give his 300%...good for him. I mean, I don't think this will blow up but it's still worth the download.
Yay Usher.
Certified (feat. Pharrell)/download
Honestly, you can say what you want about Cassie, but she's really trying to pull of this bald thing at a recent LV event. I give her a thumbs up because I know I would probably commit suicide if I only had one half of my hair there. Hmmm. Either way, she looks lovely. && I need to meet with her stylist or whoever picks her shoes. Jizz.
PS...I do not approve of that shirt.
Monday, July 13, 2009
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Why I Don't Like Drake
I know right about now, Jimmy..I'm sorry Drake is the only canadian we actually care about, but like everything...I have a small bone to pick with him. While I love your music Drake, please listen to the advice I'm about to give.
1) When you come out with a mixtape...keep the new material, trash the old. I have about 4 of your mixtapes where songs like 'Uptown, 'Unstoppable', and just about any remix you've done in your rap career appear multiple times--we get the point. It's annoying to have 'Invented Sex' 3 times in my iTunes library.
2) STOP TALKING ABOUT YOUR EX! Are you over her? Do you want to get back with her? You talk about this girl in every song and it's killing me. So note to Drake, 'get over it'.
3) A dear friend told me that their sister attended one of your concerts in June. While that is amazing, they also told me that you were 3-4 hours late. My friend, you are not famous. You are not even a smidgen close to that status of being 'fashionably' late to your gigs. Therefore, 3 words: be on time.
4) It is the middle of July, stop wearing your jacket, sweater, or outerwear garment. I watched a performance of you on MTV Hits, and it was spring break...and you walked out wearing a winter coat. Not cool Drizzy.
I thought I had more complaints but I guess you'll have to stay tuned. BTW, your reputation is completely trashed after the BET awards because whether you want to believe it or not, you're kindaaa still a nobody, so if that was your debut to the world, a do-over in order.
But, with all that being said...your music still graces my speakers. So while there are like 1000 wrongs with you, in essence your music is what counts, and so good.
NEW MIXTAPE: Heartbreak Drake/download
We Can Do Better: 'I Love Chicken'
I mean I love chicken too, but goddamn. This has got to be like every fatass' anthem right now. SMH on some real shit as I continue to pray for my people.
Friday, July 10, 2009
Summer: Cookout Music!

If you do anything this summer, please attend your black best friend's family cookout. Gearing up for one of my family's own, I was asked to prepare a playlist aside from a DJ of songs that should be played. Because I'm so generous and I care about my readers, I thought it would be awesome to share my playlist with you.
Here are some songs that NEED to be played:
1) Let No Man Put Asunder- First Choice
2) Dr. Love - O'Jays
3) Just Us- The Weather Girls (Original)..might be under Two Tons of Fun
4) A Night to Remember - Shalamar
5) My Love is Free - Double Exposure
6) Love Thang- First Choice
7) Electric Slide
8) BECAUSE I HAVE TO....Rock With You- Mikey J
Remember this?!..."In my world, everyone's a pony. And they all eat rainbows, and poop butterflies". I hope this will cheer up our miserable lives.
Tommy Stars & Drake/Slow Down
Sex to my ears. This really nice track from Tommy Stars + Jimmy will be sure to grace your iTunes. But Stars can't sing.
One word: download.
Slow Down/download
Enlighten your ears...Fabolous
Loso in case you ain't know so. Honestly, this guy should just stick to remixes. But if you're that are two new songs featuring the beautiful Keri Hilson and the suave Ryan Leslie.
R-Les for Prez.
Everything, Everyday, Everywhere/download
The Fabolous Life/download
Black Eyed Peas/Imma Be
I think the world is all boom boom powed out. But I swear this song is hot. It's going to definitely be in Hot 97's hearts forever. It has a great dance beat with the touch of hood-- Just the way we like it. However towards the 2:30 mark it goes back that annoying ass Will.I.Am beat but it balances with some organ flats.
It's okay...I'm sick of Fergie too. =]
Imma Be/download
JIZZ: Popeye's 100th Store Day
Thursday, July 9, 2009
VOMIT: Lotion's Highlighter Bangs
It doesn't bother you that this girl is named after one of the best damn moisturizer's in the world? Pshh. All I can say is tough luck for this one. Not only are you having a crack child by Lil Wayne but your bangs are the colored of my annotated history notes. Speaking of children, I guess Wayne didn't lie when he said he could fuck every girl in the world...what he failed to say was that he could impregnate them too. Smh X 2.
Poor New-New.
Enlighten your ears...Maxwell

I didn't know whether to call this Jizz, Sex, or Pure Amazingness. I'm truly elated to have purchased...that's right purchased the new Maxwell CD "BLACKsummer's Night". What a beautiful titles for such a beautiful piece of 10-track artwork. Snaps for Maxwell. Standout tracks include 'Stop The World', Kiss FM's over played 'Pretty Wings', and 'Bad Habit'. But I would recommend searching the album on your library and putting that bad boy on shuffle and if you really want to go in, mix it up with some Urban Hang Suit, Musiq or Esperanza Spaulding. If this doesn't convince's recession friendly, selling for $9.99 on iTunes. Trust this nigga will have you singing till your pretty wings can't fly anymore.
Don't worry...I didn't leave you out in the 'Cold'.
Maxwell's BLACKsummer's Night/download
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Chelley/Took the Night
I wouldn't exactly call this enlightening, but I found the B-more club song knock-off in a friend's iPod. I really like it though. Really fucking cute. "Hate, hate, hate, hate, hate. I don't care what bitches say, I don't even look their way". Don't lie, this will be your anthem in like 2 days.
Took the Night/download
Fat-ass: The Coffee Bar, Union Square
Aside from their anorexic model-esque waiters who make you feel awful about ordering a burger, next time you find yourself in Union Sqaure and have a somewhat empty stomach, I recommend the Coffee Shop. While sticking true to its name and serving a wide variety of coffees, expressos, lattes, and all of the above, this eatery offers a fresh menu that isn't too overpriced (considering their $13 bagel). The service is really nice, except when trying to eat outside. But honestly, the waitresses who look to be either upgraded from working at Urban Outfitters because they got too skinny for the clothes or too fat for modeling. I guess that's a plus if you're into the skinny type. I don't know...take your pick. && while your at it try their $4 sweet plantains. YUM
We Can Do Better: Pacemaker Lounge, Irvington, NJ
Mr. Hudson X Kanye West/ Anyone But Him
OMG, I really hope this duo isn't another Lupe Fiasco and Matthew Santos. But shit atleast Santos can sing his little heart out. Ugh, I figured anyone who likes Kanye will like this. It's aiigghhtt. Trust. I also decided to give you a little treat after you download the first one. If you know Mica, you know she will force herself to love anything Kid Cudi. Therefore, I found Mr. Hudson X Kid Cudi 'Everything Broken' shitttt. Check 'em out loves.
Anyone But Him/download
Everything Broken/download
Monday, July 6, 2009
SEX: Tyga & Evan
Enlighten your ears...Wiz Khalifa
It's the Wiz. Gotta love him. I downloaded his mixtape 'Flight School'. While it's not a very catchy title, the school house sound influenced by smooth 808's gives off a great sound from my Mac speakers. I like should you. Explore below.
This shit is dopedefied genius...if that's even like a word.
Dear BET, why do you hate us?
Kudos to Juanita Patrick of Cincinnati, Ohio for standing up against the bearer of all ignorance BET. This girl calls out everyone! BET, you suck!
Dear Debra Lee,
I’m Janita Patrick, a 15-year-old African-American female from Cincinnati. Recently, I watched the 2009 BET Awards and felt the strongest urge to reach out to the program. My family is of the typical middle-class variety; both parents and four brothers. See, I’m a junior in high school (got skipped), so naturally EVERYBODY in my age group watches BET. I’m used to seeing the sagging pants, tattoos, lack of emphasis on reading and respecting women that makes up your videos. People in my class live this out everyday, while teachers tell us that we’re acting just like the people in your shows.
In your shows. That struck me as odd, because I would think that with your show being the primary outlet for black entertainers and musicians, and considering the context of blacks in this country, there’s a social responsibility factor to consider. I would never blame BET alone for the way a great deal of my classmates act and talk and dress. Everybody makes their own choices. However, if anybody is aware the power of television on impressionable minds, it’s the people running the television operations. If you are not aware, then perhaps you shouldn’t be running the operations.
She makes some interesting points. Click here for the entire deal.
VOMIT: Kirstie Alley's fat ass.
JIZZ: Artest leave wack-ass Rockets for L.A.
Are the lakers the dream team or what. Looks like Ron-Ron is coming to Los Angeles for the 09-10 season. JIZZ. While tweeting his ass off, Artest confirmed that he will be joining the Lakers pretty soon. Aw's about to get wild. Thank God he finally decided to leave the Rockets...and shit I would to for 32 milli. 2 things I wonder...1) Will Kobe become a ball hog? 2) Does Artest have a girlfriend?
Blah. It's just a game.
Grr: Ariza leaves L.A
Yeah, I know I'm about 3 years late with this but it's killing me. Trevor Ariza, the love of my life has left the building and will no longer be playing for the Los Angeles Lakers. This absolutely devastates me! I mean besides a few fails in the playoffs while handling the ball, I swear Ariza taught the Magic some sort of lesson on the court. Plus: Why Ariza, why not Andrew Bynum's retarded ass. I guess Phil Jackson was not having it. Pshh, whatever. Ariza, you can come cry on my shoulder.
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Enlighten your ears...Nina Sky & R. Les
Enlighten your ears...Ne-Yo
Thanks to, I came across 4 new Ne-Yo songs. While I'm not the biggest Ne-Yo fan, I must admit that this guy is very creative with his work. Everything sounds the same, but he has some good ass facebook quotes in there.
Hello My Name is Revenge/download
Nothing New/download
Round 'n' Round/download
SMH: McNair dies over a ho.

Man this is really effing up my chances of getting with a professional athlete. It turns out that the woman found dead with football superstar Steve McNair was some trick named Sahel Kazemi. Not only is her name really fucking weird but she's not even that pretty. The bottom line is this dude died over some pussy. YIKES! Not a good look people. If you have a wife and four kids at home, you need to handle your business. You let some chick named Sahel turn you out? What bothers me even more is that he told this girl that he would leave his wife for her. It gets better though, the gun was found next to her body && reports claim that this was a "passion-murder". WTF! Firstly, that's sick. Secondly, that's sick. Realize that life isn't a rehearsal. I guess this is a wake-up call for all those athletes out there with side-hoes. Personally, I recommend background checks before you hit.
Enlighten your ears...Mr. Hudson & Kanye
"Let me be your supernova, before you make the biggest mistake of your life. Just give me one chance to get it right," sings Mr. Hudson on his smashing single remixed by Kanye West. Ehh ehh, I'm not a fan of chopped and screwed European/z100 on Sat. night songs. I like this one though...for now.
Supernova (feat. Kanye West)/download
JIZZ: Lady Ga-gorgeous & Kanye Plan Tour
Fuck all atheists because there definitely is a God. Both musical geniuses plan to come together for a concert in a city near you this winter. Umm I would not mind freezing my ass off to get two chunks of sexy in one night. JIZZ! I'm so excited, as should you be.
Oct 15, 2009 Madison Square Garden Arena New York, New York
Oct 16, 2009 Nassau Coliseum Uniondale, New York
Oct 17, 2009 IZOD Center East Rutherford, New Jersey
Nov 13, 2009 Mandalay Bay Events Center Las Vegas, Nevada
Nov 14, 2009 Honda Center Anaheim, California
Nov 16, 2009 Staples Center Los Angeles, California
Enlighten your ears...Cudi & Whale
CUDIIIIIII! Check out a new joint called 'Tim Westwood Freestyle'. && aside from that, while blindly listening to my iTunes shuffle i came across a song off of Wale's fail mixtape called 'Wonder Why' featuring Big Sean, Ken Starr & Mike Posner (yea i actually don't know any of those people). Either way...I approve, so listen.
Tim Westwood Freestlye/download
Wonder Why (feat. Big Sean, Ken Starr & Mike Posner)/ download
Saturday, July 4, 2009
UPTOWN Magazine...We Love It!
Every time I get my hair done, I find myself reading the publication entitled Uptown Magazine. I find it to be one of the only magazines aside from Black Enterprise + Essence (on good days) that does not promote the ignorance that much of the black community endorses. The articles explore the growing afro-centric culture in major American cities while giving insight to successful african-american business men and women alike. && I must say...I love it. Great articles, recipes, ideas, et cetera. Snaps for Uptown!
Boycott: The Twilight Cult
I didn't read the book, I did not watch the movie, now I refuse to more than ever because of this sad excuse for pop culture. Part of the fact that I am not a big fan of any of the twilight characters or the book itself (Taylor Lautner is an extreme exception) is because we are afraid to admit that Twilight is a fucking cult. So you're telling me that a book which has been translated into over 30 languages and which sold 25 million copies around the world since its 2005 release is not a secret society plotting to further seduce our youth. Pshhhh, okay. && then theres that Christian chick out in Iowa who attempts suicide after watching it. I mean I didn't go home after Harry Potter trying to lift forks with my finger. Ca-razy. just thought I should let you know for the record. I despise Twilight.
Girl Crush: Chanel Iman
NFL + Black Players=WTF
As one of the highest drafted players in the NFL at just the tender age of 22, Baltimore Ravens player and former Tennessee Titan God Steve McNair was shot to death in Nashville Tennessee. Seriously, wtf. From observation in past months, I thought the madness season for African- Americans playing professional football was over. I mean you have dog boy Vick, Plaxico Burress shooting his motherfucking foot off, Terrell Owen's crazy ass, Donte Stallworth's DUI, Corey McIntyre's doing his thing in front of some lady's house, Reggie Bush and Hank Baskett dating trailer trash, and lets not get me started on Corey Smith and Marquis Cooper getting lost at sea. SMH for everyone who doesn't have the balls to. Either they are making it really clear that they dont want us playing professional sports or something is REALLY wrong here. RIP 'fo real'.
SEX: The Beckhams
Here at Mica Saysss, we love David and Victoria. && while I'm not a fan of Gucci bras and Prada panties, I must admit they raped this Armani underwear ad. Oh David, you sexy thing you.
If you're interested in paying more that $1000 for a thong check out Emporio Armani underwear here.
Hot ass CD featuring some past + present favorites mixed with Mikey J's hits.
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