I really hope I'm not the only thinking about this but the only who wants to start this. We are all familiar with Textsfromlastnight.com, Fmylife.com, and Mylifeisaverage.com right? Well, I think it would be GENIUS if they had a Imsfromyesterday or something regarding AIM. I have countless funny conversations on iChat, and after a while putting them in the 'Quotes' section of your facebook profile starts to mean nothing. I strongly suggest some no life out there needs to start a website where I can share funny AIM convos. && I know there's that whole thing about screen names and it being shared but I'm pretty sure there can be some sort of way to make it an Alias.
I know...you don't have to tell me that I'm a genius. I'm already aware. With that being said, I better go copyright this shit so some shady loser doesn't steal my idea.
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