I know right about now, Jimmy..I'm sorry Drake is the only canadian we actually care about, but like everything...I have a small bone to pick with him. While I love your music Drake, please listen to the advice I'm about to give.
1) When you come out with a mixtape...keep the new material, trash the old. I have about 4 of your mixtapes where songs like 'Uptown, 'Unstoppable', and just about any remix you've done in your rap career appear multiple times--we get the point. It's annoying to have 'Invented Sex' 3 times in my iTunes library.
2) STOP TALKING ABOUT YOUR EX! Are you over her? Do you want to get back with her? You talk about this girl in every song and it's killing me. So note to Drake, 'get over it'.
3) A dear friend told me that their sister attended one of your concerts in June. While that is amazing, they also told me that you were 3-4 hours late. My friend, you are not famous. You are not even a smidgen close to that status of being 'fashionably' late to your gigs. Therefore, 3 words: be on time.
4) It is the middle of July, stop wearing your jacket, sweater, or outerwear garment. I watched a performance of you on MTV Hits, and it was spring break...and you walked out wearing a winter coat. Not cool Drizzy.
I thought I had more complaints but I guess you'll have to stay tuned. BTW, your reputation is completely trashed after the BET awards because whether you want to believe it or not, you're kindaaa still a nobody, so if that was your debut to the world, a do-over in order.
But, with all that being said...your music still graces my speakers. So while there are like 1000 wrongs with you, in essence your music is what counts, and so far...so good.
NEW MIXTAPE: Heartbreak Drake/download
lol number 4 is hilarious. u stupid meesh