Listen. I understand that blackberries are like the phone of future. I understand that if you whip out your Curve or Toure in the middle of the hood, everyone will think you're the shit. I understand that one would be lost without BBM. I understand that the term 'Crackberry' is completely justifyable. Yet, what I don't understand is why the hell Blackberry's can mess up your life with the press of one button. If you're like me and you justify this term 'Crackberry' because your life is your phone, then continue reading. I can't live without my device. Seriously, I flipped a shit when T-Mobile tried to get fuky and turn off my phone. I'm so down for this phone, if it fell into the Subway, I would jump and get it. Catch my drift yet? Yet, as I stated before, I do not understand how a Blackberry can be so capable of ruining your life. I know you're wondering by now..."Where art thou going with this?" WELL, last night, I put my phone under my pillow because I was in the midst of texting one of my summer hoes. (P.S. please do not text me at night because I will fall asleep on you and then wake up randomly at 3:30 at text you back to make it look like i was being conversational houdini. I know that is the douche thing to do, but it's not my fault, it's a really bad habit.) Either way, I dozed off and in my sleep my blackberry called a random guy. Now I know you're now wondering "UMM WHATS THE BIG DEAL". NO! This IS A BIG DEAL PEOPLE. This 'random guy' is the best friend of one of the sexiest people who is being a social houdini at the present moment. I mean when I say this guy is sexy, I mean GODDAMN I would do some thangs. Either way, it called this person & I'm ever so embarrased. I'm so embarrased, I scolded my blackberry on the 2 train and cursed it. Oh well, that's what it deserves. We never mess up Mica's life...ever.
=D/=[ (for my social life)
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