This summer is going to be HOT. I installed my first air conditioner by myself! Claps for Mica. Enjoy yourself.
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Dont Be Lost With Out Air Conditioner
This summer is going to be HOT. I installed my first air conditioner by myself! Claps for Mica. Enjoy yourself.
We Can Do Better: I Went to a Drake Concert & Lived
I'm late on this. Really late in fact. Yet, I was going through my iPhoto and I came across pictures of a date in which changed the face of my entire summer. Drake, the rapper believed to be the Messiah of hip-hop (-__-), thought it would be a nice idea to attend the Sounds Like Paper Concert at Southstreet Seaport. NOW, last year's concert was absolutely amazing. From a beautiful sunset, to weird clouds, to front row seats, and finally Kid Cudi shutting the stage down with songs from his mixtape "A Kid Named Cudi". Oh and did I forget Chester French did an excellent job with one of their first major performances? Yes.
However, this year was a complete 180. It's funny because as I write this post, I'm listening to 'Over'. Yea...the concert was over before it even started. Drake obviously has a pretty solid fanbase, coming from where he started. So, what made them think that giving a free concert for an artist that is 85% marketed to niggas, would be a successful plan? Please, I'm still waiting for an explanation. I get to Southstreet at around 5:30, meet up with some friends (I brought people with me too). I didn't think I would manage to find a nice seat/standing spot....but I have stain, so that wasn't a problem. All of a sudden, the DJ comes out, gets the crowd hyped....but keep in mind that we're dealing with black people here. Not to call out my people but honestly, that concert set us back like 300 years. Now you know, heat+black people+crowds=disaster (#simplemathematics). I kid you not, every 5 seconds, people were breaking out in fights, getting trampled, and one girl decided to have a seizure for the hell of it. About 20 minutes later, anarchy occured and I found myself running (mind you I'm wearing TOMS), for my LIFE because people tossed out all common sense. I finally found refuge in front of Ann Taylor about 15 minutes later. Yes...I survived.
Cuz them hipsters gone have to get along with them hood niggaz, that clearly did not occur Drake.
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Dope Delivery
Happy Birthday Papa!

This man has been the rock of my family for...well for as long as I can remember. I love you Papa. Happy 83rd Birthday! It is truly a blessing when you can look back on your life and say that you've been around and truly seen the world. I hope I live this long! We celebrated like it was 1975, taking him to the city for margaritas and sushi at my favorite place Sushi Samba on 7th Ave. The night was truly amazing. I've never seen him have so much fun. Who knew the son of Black and Cuban parents would find himself chopping down a Neo Tokyo Roll at one of the hottest spots in Manhattan. I SEE YOU! Stay Glorious Grandpa!
Saturday, June 12, 2010
I Want to Eat Your Fingers
Catchy title huh? I remember writing a post like 4 months ago about 'cheating', basically because I found out that my ex-boyfriend cheated on me (multiple times). Because of my own experiences, I find it impossible to give someone advice on anything damn near the topic of love because I'm a stupid bitch when it comes to be my turn. However, I love talking about the topic and recently, a specific issue has caught my eye.
"Love Doesn't Come in Shapes, so why am I in a Triangle?"
IDK, if you've ever watched True Life: I'm in a Love Triangle, but doesn't it seem silly that someone can be in love with two people. Usually because their stuck in the present, at a crossroad, between their past and future? Baffles the mind doesn't it. My opinion is basically this: you have to have the balls to take chances. The only dilemma is, do you take a chance with your past or take a chance with your potential future. Let's explore our options.
"I love my ex...can't live with them.....I swear we're going to get married.....He/She doesn't love them......He thinks about me 24/7" While this may be true. This is a lead reason why alot of us, especially females, tend to get caught up on our past/ex. Why is it that we can't just treat them like any other dead beat and ignore their calls and texts? Ofcourse, you must consider things like memories such as pictures, videos, artifacts, ya know like small shit. To make matters worst, when you begin talking to your ex again its like you put any little argument or form of animosity aside and place your self on cloud 9 again. Your ex will always have priority indirectly in your life. Don't even front! Don't lie like you've never compared someone you care about to your ex. We all do it. It's like they automatically get placed above anyone until you've TRULY moved on. But let's place you in the scenario that your talking to your former boo and its like your in the motions of getting back together, that triggers something in the brain that puts you back in time when you guys were happy together. This causes you to rehash those feelings, and begin sitting in class drawing your first name and their last name (or vice versa) like yall are getting married tomorrow.
Getting back with your ex can be tricky though. Why did you guys break up? What about him pisses you off? When did you stop liking them? When did they stop liking you? What did you do to contribute to the breakup? While you guys called it truce cause you started talking do you know for sure things won't go back to the way they once were? On the flip side, you two know each other on a completely different level than anyone else. A bond that is not easily broken. The beauty with love, is that it never ceases to exist. IT only gets greater through experience and triumph. your ex could mean a more mature relationship. It's always a risk.
You meet someone that like "oh my god, im so in love", cause their buying out the bar for you. YES. Thats like the best thing in the world. You meet someone who is all that plus a bag of chips. No one can tell you anything. But honestly, your taking yet another big risk. How do you know they arent the devil? That all this puppy love, facebook status tagging, cute little pictures is all an illusion until you fuck up once and see their evil twin? But ofcourse! You have your lessons that you've learned from your ex to help you deal with situations, right? Meaning you are this new, mature, lovely human being who is ready to love again. So do you take a chance with the new person? triangles. Sometimes you have to use logic, cause thinking with your heart got you in this case in the first place. Yes its hard but either way your gonna have sleepless nights with any be it your ex or the latter. You better find their loving, THEY better find your heart.
"Love Doesn't Come in Shapes, so why am I in a Triangle?"
IDK, if you've ever watched True Life: I'm in a Love Triangle, but doesn't it seem silly that someone can be in love with two people. Usually because their stuck in the present, at a crossroad, between their past and future? Baffles the mind doesn't it. My opinion is basically this: you have to have the balls to take chances. The only dilemma is, do you take a chance with your past or take a chance with your potential future. Let's explore our options.
"I love my ex...can't live with them.....I swear we're going to get married.....He/She doesn't love them......He thinks about me 24/7" While this may be true. This is a lead reason why alot of us, especially females, tend to get caught up on our past/ex. Why is it that we can't just treat them like any other dead beat and ignore their calls and texts? Ofcourse, you must consider things like memories such as pictures, videos, artifacts, ya know like small shit. To make matters worst, when you begin talking to your ex again its like you put any little argument or form of animosity aside and place your self on cloud 9 again. Your ex will always have priority indirectly in your life. Don't even front! Don't lie like you've never compared someone you care about to your ex. We all do it. It's like they automatically get placed above anyone until you've TRULY moved on. But let's place you in the scenario that your talking to your former boo and its like your in the motions of getting back together, that triggers something in the brain that puts you back in time when you guys were happy together. This causes you to rehash those feelings, and begin sitting in class drawing your first name and their last name (or vice versa) like yall are getting married tomorrow.
Getting back with your ex can be tricky though. Why did you guys break up? What about him pisses you off? When did you stop liking them? When did they stop liking you? What did you do to contribute to the breakup? While you guys called it truce cause you started talking do you know for sure things won't go back to the way they once were? On the flip side, you two know each other on a completely different level than anyone else. A bond that is not easily broken. The beauty with love, is that it never ceases to exist. IT only gets greater through experience and triumph. your ex could mean a more mature relationship. It's always a risk.
You meet someone that like "oh my god, im so in love", cause their buying out the bar for you. YES. Thats like the best thing in the world. You meet someone who is all that plus a bag of chips. No one can tell you anything. But honestly, your taking yet another big risk. How do you know they arent the devil? That all this puppy love, facebook status tagging, cute little pictures is all an illusion until you fuck up once and see their evil twin? But ofcourse! You have your lessons that you've learned from your ex to help you deal with situations, right? Meaning you are this new, mature, lovely human being who is ready to love again. So do you take a chance with the new person? triangles. Sometimes you have to use logic, cause thinking with your heart got you in this case in the first place. Yes its hard but either way your gonna have sleepless nights with any be it your ex or the latter. You better find their loving, THEY better find your heart.
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
FYI: I have a Twitter
blah. back to the nest.
blah. back to the nest.
Shall We Dance
While listening to Fancy by Drake, confined to my room, I accidentally clicked the bookmark to my old blog Mica Saysss. It's so funny because like I'm on this blog right now referring to it as "my old blog". The truth is no secret that I have neglected my child. I mean from ex boyfriend to school to internship, it has been absolutely chaotic. Seriously. So bear with me. Failed promises , I know I can do better. *song still playing, T.I. rips it* Umm basically, I'm back. I love you readers I do I do I do. I also wanted to inform you that while I will be still ranting about the world and how much I hate drake and shit, I'm working on tranforming the blog into more of a lifestyle type shit cause my life is pretty exciting, like "MTV reality Show Exciting" *drake rips it on this part*. I want you guys to have a chance to live like Mica, minus all the drama. I love you. Starting tomorrow we shall embark on Project Glorious Resistance.
HAhaha I love you all. Baby come back, cause I am.
"oh, you fancy."
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
JIZZ: Alea is featured on Fashion Blog Mr. Newton
Sunday, February 21, 2010
LMFAO: Candy Slice does 'Money to Blow'
LMFAO! They are just absolute hilariousadorablecuteness. I couldn't stop laughing. Boy do I love white girls and black women with naturally curly hair.
P.S. Thats Wynter Gordon who does Celebration with Madonna. Speaking of the latter, I was ona 24-hour Madonna binge and I will be posting some of my favorite videos. Viva la Madonna.
Friday, February 19, 2010
Dr. Love: To Cheat or Not to Cheat
I am not one for creating newsletters, editorials, or basically unnecessary essays but this nuisance slash huge issue in Love needs to be addressed by yours truly.
I mean you all know what cheating is. It's just like cheating on a test. Your getting all the answers and solutions from someone else other than your 'own'. Cheating is just something we don't do. It gives both parties to be mad at each other. For guys, it allows them to have a reason to call their female counterpart nothing short of a whore. For girls it allows our weave to get out of whack because we trash our room after we find out our boyfriend's infidelity. Cheating can be seen also as a way for one to get just about every pleasure in the world. Not to say we should not enjoy life and all it has to offer but other learn that lesson very slowly in a sense that they choose to enjoy this opportunity by dipping in just about every sauce the world has to offer. :-)
It is indeed. It's the easy way out unfortunately. Instead of stepping up to the plate and confronting growing issues in the relationship, people feel as if they can get the "answers" and solution to the disappearance of their happiness from someone who can offer it in that moment. I like to think of it as instead of saving up for a nice 5 star dinner and really savoring luxury, they settle for a quick number one that can satisfy their needs at that moment. Therefore, it's a scape goat because we as humans are too afraid to confront our emotions.
Umm yes it will. I mean if you have ever heard of the saying "all things done in the dark come to light" you will see that even if you are King Cheater IV, your reign will come to an end because she will soon find out. No one...likes to open a can of whoop-ass on a mistake that you made. Women are the bearers of emotion and it is our job to soak up what emotion men can not contain. Since we are so tempermental it's doing us a horrible favor of breaking our hearts. However, this goes for men as well because since they don't know how to process emotion, it is almost unknown as to how they can react which is where a lot of danger lies.
I'm not going to say much on this, on account of the fact that my fingers hurts but look:
If you love need to know that you have no reason to cheat no matter how "bof" she is. If you can't see them with anyone else but you, this is your call to arms to bring your relationship back to the day you fell in love with them. And if you REALLY are not happy then you have to break it to them that "honey it ain't working". I sounds simple in writing but you have to emotion conscious in relationships and that is the bottom line.
hope this helps?
email me at for questions..
I should probably take the log out of my eye before I help anyone with their problems but if it truly put your senses in a clearer light, then by all means keep it coming!
I mean you all know what cheating is. It's just like cheating on a test. Your getting all the answers and solutions from someone else other than your 'own'. Cheating is just something we don't do. It gives both parties to be mad at each other. For guys, it allows them to have a reason to call their female counterpart nothing short of a whore. For girls it allows our weave to get out of whack because we trash our room after we find out our boyfriend's infidelity. Cheating can be seen also as a way for one to get just about every pleasure in the world. Not to say we should not enjoy life and all it has to offer but other learn that lesson very slowly in a sense that they choose to enjoy this opportunity by dipping in just about every sauce the world has to offer. :-)
It is indeed. It's the easy way out unfortunately. Instead of stepping up to the plate and confronting growing issues in the relationship, people feel as if they can get the "answers" and solution to the disappearance of their happiness from someone who can offer it in that moment. I like to think of it as instead of saving up for a nice 5 star dinner and really savoring luxury, they settle for a quick number one that can satisfy their needs at that moment. Therefore, it's a scape goat because we as humans are too afraid to confront our emotions.
Umm yes it will. I mean if you have ever heard of the saying "all things done in the dark come to light" you will see that even if you are King Cheater IV, your reign will come to an end because she will soon find out. No one...likes to open a can of whoop-ass on a mistake that you made. Women are the bearers of emotion and it is our job to soak up what emotion men can not contain. Since we are so tempermental it's doing us a horrible favor of breaking our hearts. However, this goes for men as well because since they don't know how to process emotion, it is almost unknown as to how they can react which is where a lot of danger lies.
I'm not going to say much on this, on account of the fact that my fingers hurts but look:
If you love need to know that you have no reason to cheat no matter how "bof" she is. If you can't see them with anyone else but you, this is your call to arms to bring your relationship back to the day you fell in love with them. And if you REALLY are not happy then you have to break it to them that "honey it ain't working". I sounds simple in writing but you have to emotion conscious in relationships and that is the bottom line.
hope this helps?
email me at for questions..
I should probably take the log out of my eye before I help anyone with their problems but if it truly put your senses in a clearer light, then by all means keep it coming!
Jealous? I went to FWNY 2010
I think that they should just rename this week long "The Fabulous People Collective", because everyone seen anywhere north of 39th street was just absolutely fabulous. I got a chance to bask in all this fabulous-ness by attending the 2010 Joaquin Trias show. Not to toot my own horn but Toot Toot. This week needs to come more than twice a year.
Sidenote: Time to take out those diet pills.
SMH: Tiger Woods Takes One for the Team

Tiger Woods has got to be kidding me. I would not have said one word if I were him. Who are you apologizing to? You were sorry when you cheated, there's no reason to go on national television and basically showcase your bitchassness. Seriously, that was just a retarded move in general. Do you know how many athletes cheat on their wives with the public knowing and don't go on TV and apologize. I mean granted it was wrong for him to commit acts of adultery anyway however, if he did it he might as well own up to it because all the boo-hoo'ing and pleading is not going to convince me nor the world that you are faithful. If it were me I would honestly go on tv like YEA I DID IT! Actually, I wouldnt (lmao). If he really wanted to make a comeback and show that he is back on his game, he should go for like his thousandth PGA title. I do hope that this whole thing does not mess with his golfing career because he did have an extremely (well-paid) thing going.
Woe is Tiger.
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